Leave a healthy planet for our children, for future generations, and ALL life on Earth.

We are building a dynamic and comprehensive educational curriculum about sustainability and environmental issues impacting our world, and how we can personally and collectively live more sustainably. Learn, find your niche, and get involved!

This curriculum aims to provide comprehensive education on these critical topics. Our initial strides in this direction were evident through the launch of our Change-Maker series. Building upon this foundation, we have taken further steps by collaboratively developing a comprehensive curriculum in partnership with many NGO Partners, Collidescope.io, and the Cadence learning platform.


Our Mission

We did not INHERIT this planet from our ancestors; we are BORROWING it from our children. Let’s not continue to pass our problems down to future generations. Environmental Scouts is:

    • building a dynamic educational platform about critical issues in environmental sustainability. We are a hub and resource for education and involvement. Find YOUR passion. Find YOUR niche.

    • creating a coalition of partners worldwide – may it be nonprofit corporations/NGO’s, youth change-makers, community clubs, or individual kids/people wanting to become involved for the greater good.

Sharing a common platform unites us all and amplifies our individual voices. Whether your cause is wildlife conservation, plastic pollution, climate change, or regenerative agriculture, these issues are interconnected. We can all work together to learn from each other, inspire more effective methods of change, and receive financial support from governmental and corporate sponsors to continue the good work. Ultimately, our goals are with the same end-result in mind – to leave a healthy planet for our children, for future generations, and for all life on Earth.

How Can We Do This?

Environmental Scouts aims to inspire our youth to be leaders in their own communities by building a dynamic, real-life educational curriculum and spreading awareness. This type of knowledge is not just gained through books. It is primarily from seeing what others have done, identifying what improvements can be made in your own current life situation, and finding ways to get involved. Environmental Scouts is a shared platform for environmental movements across various sectors. As we know it, life on Earth is interconnected, a delicate balance. We cannot separate out which environmental issue is more important than the other. Global Warming, Plastic Pollution, Extinction, threats to Biodiversity, Social Justice – like clean air, water, land/communities, energy, food, the wild – are all equally important components in our delicate ecosystem that are tightly interwoven.


Environmental Change-Maker Series

As part of our initial journey to demonstrate the need for unified environmental and sustainability education, in 2020 and 2021 we hosted a series of Environmental Change-Maker video podcasts. This podcast series became the basis for the early development of our educational programs that are now hosted in collaboration with the Cadence education platform.

These initial educational videos covered topics on: Pollinators, Land and Marine Wildlife Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Water Pollution, Climate Change, Animal Rescue & Adoption, Green Technology, Urban Planning, Consumerism, Regenerative Farming, Community Gardening & Composting, and How To Be A Change-Maker!


Founder’s Message

Hello! My name is Brooke. I am one of the co-founders of Environmental Scouts. I have always loved all animals (including bugs!) When our schools and after-school activities were shut down because of the COVID quarantine, I started wondering: “Why isn’t climate change being treated like a pandemic?” This helped create momentum for the Environmental Scouts when I was 10 years old. Learn more about Our Beginnings.